Hackers from all over the world have announced a war with Putin

Von einem unserer Werbekunden aus der Ukraine bekamen wir heute diesen Hilferuf, den wir gerne veröffentlichen:

Hackers from all over the world are sending the HackenProof the announcement about the possibility to use Russian sites to hack the information about the dictators regime and his allies. Once the cyber systems are damaged, the report about damage of cyber infrastructure of the Russian media, state institutions etc. is created. This information from the program, can be used by the hackers worldwide to help Ukraine win. 



What you can do

If you have no enough technical background, you can share the information online, post it in the social media to inform the cyber specialists. 

As well you can attack the propaganda sites from your won PC.



Find the HackenProof in Twitter (в твіттері) — we will be posting in English and you can than share online through the platforms popular amoung international teck specialists. Let’s win together!


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Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://filstalexpress.de/filstalexpress/132524/hackers-from-all-over-the-world-have-announced-a-war-with-putin/

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